Wednesday 24 February 2016

Times Of Tumults.

Last few months has witnessed spurt of incidents in various parts of country, which are unnecessarily been given hues of caste, religion and politics. This ballyhoo has indeed jarred our imagination of India and has left us to vet upon the India we all dreamt of? Sporadic incidents of anti-national compaign has certainly held India at siege and in attempts to gain political advantage out of situation, many politicians (cutting across party lines) are further dishevelling the situation. But in all this turmoil we must not fall prey of anarchy and must retain our characterised tag of 'Vibrant Democracy', that India is best known for. Here are few precedences, as i think, we must ponder upon:-

>Curious Case Of Arunachal Pradesh:- A way out of political imbroglio in Arunachal Pradesh, with formation of new  government, is good sign of ameliorating political stagnation in state. But question still to be answered is with regard to the role of Governor in tackling such a situation. Guidelines laid down by Supreme Court and recommendations of Sarkaria Commission provides for good precepts to be followed in situation like this. State Government's legtimacy should not be left to the whims of Governor but rather 'Floor Test' should take precedence. It requires a public debate and re-engineering of Governor's position to make it more in line with the new realities.

>Dissent: A New Form Of Sedition:- With recent outbreak of plethora of incidents with hues of so called 'Anti-Nationalism', it has become important for us to recapitulate our version of nationalism. Dissent, which is a basic right under democracy, cannot be labelled as quality of seditious. A look back at our history, vindicates that dissent was never considered as anti-national, best example being Gandhiji's stance towards Pakistan. In Spite of the Pakistani aggression in Kashmir, Gandhiji fasted to compel the Government of India to release an amount of Rs.55 Crores due to Pakistan. In these times of tumults, we need to restate the teachings of our founding fathers, who led us to path of vibrant democracy, with right to dissent as its irreplaceable feature.

Disclaimer: I don't support what happened in JNU. Raising slogans against India tantamounts to Anti-Nationalism and is deserving of condemnation in all its form.

With Regards!
Jai Hind!

Saturday 13 February 2016

What Is God?

My excessive inquistions about the God and his existence, has led me to ask various people about their take on God. And i have got some mind provoking replies. Here is a crux of all those inputs which i have got. I have to admit that Brahmakumaris Organisation's  reply was the most helpful. Here is 'God' for you:
In this world, many beliefs exist about God. As a result, people understand God in their own way and often in their own imagination. But what is required is understanding God as He is, what He is and how He is. The correct understanding about God has to be given by God Himself!

Like us, God is also a soul. Unlike us, He is referred to as the Supreme Soul – the only soul who never takes a body of His own. He is beyond the effects of actions and is never subject to the dualities of birth and death, pleasure and pain. Being beyond the limits of time of this physical world, He retains absolute knowledge of the universe and all its dimensions.

God is oceanic in his virtues - the ocean of peace, love, bliss, knowledge, happiness and mercy. He is the truth. God’s love strengthens the soul’s will to free itself from the distresses caused by vices such as selfish desire, anger, fear, ego and attachment. God’s power helps the soul to recognize its highest potential and to aim for perfection.

With Regards!

Thursday 4 February 2016

Accepting Others As They Are

We are used to carrying preconceived notions about others. Before we meet someone we already have a image of person in our mind, which is dictated to us by other people and our judgements. And due to this parochial approach we fail to recognise and comprehend the actual worth of others.
Further deep study of human psychology shows that we always try to listen, see and understand what we are willing to. This indeed has caused many problems in society. Each one of us has different value system and inadvertantly we look others from ours perspective, which is laden with our own value system. And if we carry wrong value system which is marked by some unacceptable behavioural patterns or thinking patterns, let say jealous, we will end up labelling others as exposed to all these gratuitous behavioural patterns. Our subconsicous behavioural pattern will act as a framework in which we perceive other people.
This starts a whole cycle of bad energies, as a positive thinker would say, you recieve what you give. With these preconceived wrong opinions about others, you are actually giving wrong vibes to the others and ultimately same will be reflected back to you. Hence it will effect one's behaviour in society and perhaps can push oneself to cloister.
With this knowledge about Human psychology one can desist being judgemental and can receive everything as it is. It would be suffice to end this with words of Wayne W. Dyer: “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."
With Regards!