Friday, 25 March 2016


We have witnessed debates on the concept of Nationalism in recent past. It intrigued me to delve into the idea of nationalism and what consititutes the nation? Then after little research i developed my own erudite concept of Nation and State. Though it is technical concept and professionals can figure out many flaws in my understanding based on their erudition, but this is how i would interpret Nation State and Hinduism.

NATION is a cultural entity, which owes its provenance to integration of different communities, religions and ethnicities. Integration here doesn't mean the transformation of varied religions and communities into one community having common culture, values and religion, but a harmonious integration where each community still maintains its particular values, ideology and culture, despite being a part of larger community. Nation can be most appropriately called "Umbrella Community", that covers the varied communities. Nation is a result of long gestating feeling of harmony, brotherhood and a common past among the members of particular geographical area. It is a entity that endears diversity and encourages assimiliation, without loosing one's specific characteristics.

Now to talk about STATE, its a political entity, that owes its inception to Nation. State though rules a nation may or may not be a benevolent. It may breed animity towards a particular religion or community (Nazism) or may be tolerant towards all (Democracy). State more appropriately is a legal entity. State encompasses 4 basic components, which are Sovereignity, Territory, Population and Government. State nutures benelovence and malevolence depending upon the character of Government in power. Dictatorship, Democracy, Fascism etc are few examples of state.

 HINDUISM, for me, is a culmination of varied values and doctrines. In short and best, it would be most convenient to say that "Hinduism" is a synonym for "Secularism". A religion that doesn't have fundamentals and hence no heresy.  Hinduism has its genesis in mythological and didactic literature of Vedas and Upanishads. Hinduism as touted widely is "WAY OF LIFE". It teaches assimilation and harmony. Its the only religion that can claim to have never supplanted any religion and have never imposed its tenets on others. Hinduism signifies brotherhood and coherence.

After this whole discussion, one could figure out easily, it would be pardoxical as an idea to think of a Hindu Nation. A state can breed a idea of Hindu State but it will never be possible nor justified to brand us as a Hindu Nation. Off the bat let me make it clear i am proud of my religion HINDUISM, for it teaches me equality, fraternity and peace towards other religions. I am opposed to the idea of Hindu Nation in the sense that idea of "India for Hindus" is totally untenable for me. While our Government stand firm on its prospect of maintaining India's identity of Secular state, barring few segments of vested interest. We should be proud to be a citizen of a country that espouses Hinduism characters of tolerance and harmony without necessarily being a Hindu State.

Jai Hind!

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